If more mothers stayed at home, we would have stronger nuclear families, stronger extended families, and stronger communities. Mothers who stay at home with their children are more likely to have time to be involved with their community. Now a days, in order to live the parents' partnership is required. Many religions and culture view a women’s place as being in the home. More money is needed for: education, emergency leaves, food, supplies, etc. like safeness of the baby and etc., young mother should think deeply. 4. It could cause depression if women are forced to give up work they enjoy to care for their children. A lot of mothers use babysitters, and it is not a problem, I think if yound mothers decided to work,it means that she has a reason, i think each mom of course want to sit with her baby, take care about them,etc. The debate about whether working women make better mothers has been going on since time immemorial and probably won’t end any time soon. Right now, being a stay-at-home mother has a lower status than that of streetsweeper. The working mother is commonly viewed as being ambitious and driven however, both of these women play an equally important role in the family. This article summarizes two exchanges on our PSP forums, one discussion (2014) with a parent working part-time and deciding whether she should stop, and another thread (2017) about one mother on maternity leave who is debating whether she should return to her job . 1 decade ago. But, by pay I don’t mean a wage. Are we failing our children by pursuing careers, or is personal fulfilment the key to good parenting? … Try again. Women are being bombarded with messages that they can ‘have it all’, marriage, children and develop a career just so they can be seen as a successful woman. It is not uncommon to see many women behaving harshly with their own child. Socially, the cost of raising healthy (physically and emotionally) people is MUCH LESS than the cost of trying to fix the problems that arise later in life from a Child being given a cold start in life-away from the mother–which society does not want to pay for. But only 5-6 monthes after parturition. Debate.org is a dynamic social community where you can voice your opinion on today’s hottest issues. Nurseries and childminders can be good places to expose children to other children. All scores are updated in real-time. By staying at home mothers could ensure that the next generation had the best start in life, hopefully averting future problems and providing a benefit to society as a whole. But a sensitive child will definitely have hard time dealing with separation from mother. I had some difficulties but mostly was a happy child who enjoyed to play with cousins and friends until parents were home. I have been raised by a working mother. In my opinion young woman should not work because she needs to be a mom. The possible benefits and risks of mothers’ working on children’s well-being is highly politicised and is the perennial subject of heated scientific and public debate. It’s clear. They have less time for the vital parts of family and community life that we can’t put a dollar value on. providing women with money is husband's duty, One of the arguments may be that nowadays, the rate of bad nannies increased and it can become the cause of harming children. Because the whole of society benefits from giving children the best possible start in life, the government should do more to allow more women to make a positive choice to stay at home. Either because of poverty or because they are single parents, or both, women find they must work to earn enough money to provide for their family. Some feel this is bad for children who are then cared for by a child-minder,… If, for example, you are a single mother, how can you sit with baby for 1 year minimum. Financially, it is obviously cheaper to pay a Mom who stays in her own home, than for the government to continue to pay for triple the cost of childcare. They deserve utmost care, respect, love and importance for the work they do. In the age of apparent equality women are increasingly encouraged to ‘have it all’, balancing career, children and marriage in order to be seen as successful. Just as an educated mother educates a whole family, a working … The child may end up at a good childcare facility or the child may not be too much sensitive physically or emotionally and may due quite well at a childcare home or playway. Should Smoking Be Banned in Public Places? If the wife is a stay at home mom and she always has been and never had a really job what happens if the father takes off and leaves her with nothing. CreateDebate is a social debate community built around ideas, discussion and democracy. please make a difference in this world before its to late.We all love life.Who doesn't. Therefore you have the mentality of, “No one should WORK!” Grow up Peter Pan, its time you take responsibility for yourself. There will be a continued sense of dissatisfaction in life. The decision is a personal one for each mother. It could cause depression if women are forced to give up work they enjoy to care for their children. Are working mothers better that homemaker mothers? Such hard questions can not be debatable by anyone other than you. You can share this debate in three different ways: ©2020 TidyLife, Inc. All Rights Reserved. it is sad, but children are unhappy without thei mother's.....(((, as I already mention it is dangerous to leave your child with some nannies, you never know is she bad or good one, But dont you think that any person should think twice before giving birth?! There are several arguments that lend credence to the fact that working women are better mothers and it’s worthwhile to try and comprehend them. Expecting mothers to stay at home will also make them more dependent upon their partners, making it harder for women to escape from abusive relationships. We all want a future.Well think again before you throw somthing on... Save Paper; 2 Page; 295 Words; Working mothers Working mothers. There are consequences to pursuing these lifestyle choices. If, for example, you are a single mother, how can you sit with baby for 1 year minimum. In my honest opinion, you sound like you’re nothing but a scrounger living off the government benefits. In the one hand young mother SHOULD work. The decision to stay at home or work will be one of the most difficult decisions a mother will make. REASONS OF WHY MOTHERS SHOULD GO TO WORK: 1The husband's job isn't always stable. In the other hand, I agree with Dmitry. When we say working mother, a lot of debate, questions, dilemma, anxiety, war, researches come up. mana. Why Women Work. Arguments with the highest score are displayed first. State social services, such as health visitors and early years education teams, should be better funded and more widely available to help support mothers in the home. You didn't pass the humanoid test! Martha Beck said mothers need to stop letting others make them feel guilty for their decision to work or stay home. Housewives deserve recognition. As early childhood is the most formative period of development for a child it is important that a mother has as much time to devote to her children as possible. Answer Save. Stay home Mom or Working mom? Lets pray he does not end up crying like a baby. If they would rather work and make alternative arrangements for the care of their child, then that should be considered equally valid. Because child care is so expensive it is sometimes cheaper for a mom to stay home rather then work. The question as to whether mothers should work is one each mother should evaluate personally. Is capitalism creating an expanding gap between the rich and the poor? Should I stay home with my children.. Will I miss out on something important if I don't stay home with the babies. Mothers should have much freedom as anyone else in society to decide what is best for them and their children. As most mothers (62% according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics) work outside the home, this is a topic of immediate importance to many. of course, to work it is man's duty, but nowadays,unfortunatly we have a lot of problems,with family life, and a lot of difficulties, happened, thats why, anyway women should work,because of independency and stability. While articles and blog posts like this one may spend an eternity debating the best way to balance work and family life, stay at home mums will never really get to experience what it's like to try to achieve that. The five pros and cons of being a working mother. Of course it's very controversial topic. Mothers have every right to work as much as fathers even more so in some cases. If they would rather work and make alternative arrangements for the care of their child, then that should be considered equally valid. Or if her job is crucial to family’s financial well being but she chooses to stay home then again the child will suffer (because of low quality childcare due to poverty). Do You Agree or Disagree With Euthanasia or Mercy Killing? When mothers work outside the home, they have less time to spend with their children. She will study on what food she must give her child for better growth and development and make an educated choice on everything from toys to books. Childcare professionals have similar experience and have often taken courses on child development that make them more knowledgeable than a first time parent. Neri says the stay-at-home mothers often feel “dumb” because they’re not in the working world. As early childhood is the most formative period of development for a child it is important that a mo…, Because the whole of society benefits from giving children the best possible start in life, the gove…, Many childcare options are poor quality with one adult looking after many children at once. If you leave your baby at home alone with nanny, who knows what kind of person she is. 2. Mothers with the financial means have long had the choice to go back to work or stay home after the birth of their children. Children can fall sick, the maid may not turn up, and babysitters can take leave. And that happiness and excitement of having parents home at the end of the day was a bonus. “Talking to kids all day, I don’t feel challenged — it’s like you’re not using all the parts of your brain.” But for those who do work, there are equally painful bouts of self-doubt. The point is not whether mothers should work or not. I ended up highly educated and responsible government employee who is serving the country and raising a beautiful boy with the help of his loving grandmom. To follow along, you may find it helpful to. Relevance. These findings help fuel the "mommy wars" -- the endless debate about whether mothers should work outside the home. Within this sphere they are r…, Mothers who stay at home with their children are more likely to have time to be involved with their …. It is not safety to leave children with nannies it may be dangerous, the problem is that a lot of women are thinking to much about their independence and they forget about taking care about their children, that is the problem, and thats why they shouldn't work at all, of course, but we all know that work takes too much time and effort, and their are no more effort to normal child-rearing. 'All under-threes should be cared for at home’ The psychiatrist: Oliver James. If this is your first time checking out a debate, here are some quick tips to help get you started: Today it is one of the most important topics. Women have been moving into the workforce not only for career satisfaction but also because they and their families need the income. Regardless of the supposed benefits to children of having a mother at home in their early years, studies have found clear evidence to show that childhood poverty has a lasting negative impact upon children. Some have no knowledge of proper childcare and some don’t even care at all. In many families today, mothers continue to work because they have careers that they have spent years developing. However, that again is case dependent. DebateWise.org is an online database of expert-curated debates on popular topics. i think that young women should work, because of independent of women. This also helps to create jobs in the childcare sector, generating employment for more people. For many centuries it has been traditional for extended families to participate in raising families and older generations such as grandparents have had hands on experience with young children before. To learn more about the CreateDebate scoring system, check out the, When you are ready to voice your opinion, use the. It could cause depression if women are forced to give up work they enjoy to care for their children. Many women actually have no choice about whether to work or stay at home full time. Some mothers have to work. But if there is no alternative to the mother, the child may suffer. Encouraging mothers to work increases the number of people in the workforce thereby increasing the productivity of the country. Women who do not have children will also suffer, as prejudice that defines motherhood as the most important role for women will also deny them equal opportunities in other areas. But it has also negative cases, eg. I think, that if possible, a mother should be at home with the children as long as they can. Facilitating women to stay at home with their children respects these beliefs and helps to foster the culture of respect towards women’s special role that underpins them. Supporting all mothers to stay at home would prevent this problem. Nothing is universally wrong or right. In April 2001*, Gallup asked Americans what they thought about working mothers. This can…, Many religions and culture view a women’s place as being in the home. please help me the debate is day after tomorow.i am speaking FOR the above topic.please give me all your ideas.i'll try to make full use of it. And job will not intefere to "family life"- to grow a normal good baby. Mothers shower more love: The mothers who are working ought to remain away from home and their children for long hours and could not devote quality time with them. Submitted by carslan6055 on Thu, 05/24/2012 - 16:00. So living off of government benefits is okay? I just want to say: If you have some relatives who DO you know, and it does not interfere with child-rearing, of course in this case why not? "I think society is going to continue to be polarized on this," Beck said. And it really depends on each person's preferences. This will surely have negative impact on her relationship with child and other family members. People will have different views on this. Is it worth?! While working ladies enjoy a happier state of mind, stay-at-home women have to deal with more depression and stress. Argument replies (both in favor and in opposition) are displayed below the original argument. But if it happened, must be fought by all means to raise a child in good conditions. PSP working mothers talk about taking a break from work. Others who might be miserable giving up a career also "have" to work, maintaining their frustrations while caring for the children, but some mothers find very good babysitting and thats it. They teach their kids to be adaptable Every working mother knows the importance of learning to expect the unexpected. In the one hand young mother SHOULD work. Some women return to work soon after giving birth because they know … Should the Cell Phones Be Allowed in Schools. Dinner doing all these things and working full time is stressing families out beyond belief. 3. I as a single mother have no other choice, I could sit around and collect welfare but what would that teach my child. The Cons 1. Can I get some ideas,suggestions to speak for the above topic. I say with experience that working mothers make a better mother because I had a working mother. A lot of young women are working, becouse they need money and want becoume independent. A working mother's daily commitment and shouldering of workplace responsibilities lays the foundation for the next generation to emulate the same. Sarah Ewing hears both sides of the story. This can leave young children bored and uninterested slowing their rate of development. And who will guarantee your babies safety?! January 2, 2014This Debate believes mothers should stay at home and look after their children. They were not working outside and they just were doing home and child care. Explain your point a bit more. Mothers should have much freedom as anyone else in society to decide what is best for them and their children. Many forms of childcare can be beneficial and complimentary to the care provided by parents. The debate topic is "mother should go to work". Not everyone can do it, not everyone wants to do it but some do want to be there for their kids and it’s not right to make them feel bad about it. To vote for an argument, use these icons: Debate scores, side scores and tag scores are automatically calculated by an algorithm that primarily takes argument scores into account. If mother is highly educated and respectably employed in high profile job her sense of expectations from herself will not let her live peacefully at home. In both cases he/she will be fine. And we should never forget that not all women are good mothers. On the other hand, even though you might never find the perfect balance, working mothers will often come close to reaching that equilibrium. Can I afford not to work? Volunteers are needed in many spheres of education such as PTAs (Parent-Teacher Associations), classroom assistants or organisers of school trips and mothers who stay home are able to become more fully involved in these aspects of community life. In such cases other relatives or even childcare employees are rather better options. Ithink it is very difficult answer, because each person should decide by yourself, connect their decisions with some reasons, etc. If they would rather work and make alternative arrangements for the care of their child, then that should be considered equally valid. Somebody should work and find food for yourself and your baby. Mothers should go to work. So, it is all case specific. Although most mothers are faced with difficult decisions. To Stay Home Or To Work - Mothers Debate This Question by: Monica Ramey. but, maybe she has a problem, with financial stability, or she has not a husband, any reasons. Copyright © 2020. But the other way is good as well as when mothers are back from work and spend less time with their kids, they show all their love and affection for them. The question of whether mothers should work or stay at home in their children’s early years has always been a hot potato in the media, ... working on children’s well-being is highly politicized and is the perennial subject of heated scientific and public debate. Working mothers are now the rule rather than the exception. However, if in both cases there is a suitable family member who can act as primary care provider (grandparent, aunt etc) during mother’s working hours, there is hardly any harm in working. State benefit payments to parents should be much more generous, and the pensions system could be altered to avoid penalising women who make this valuable choice. But only 5-6 monthes after parturition. The topic of today’s debate is whether working mothers make a better mother or not. Do you think a mum should stay at home with their children or should they go out to work? Many childcare options are poor quality with one adult looking after many children at once. The level of stress increases in the family when parents are so pressed for time because both are working full-time jobs. Mothers should have much freedom as anyone else in society to decide what is best for them and their children. Should mothers go to work? each person should think about their future, and about their work of course. In the past before the illumination of people, women were the second class citizens in almost every country. As research shows women without children resent working mothers who leave the office 'early' to pick up their kids, working mother … Somebody should work and find food for yourself and your baby. What's best for your family? Its better to handle her child/childeren own their own instead of naneees as this is the golden time for childern for their upbringing, Yes of course, but there is no greater happiness for a child than to be with mom. DebateWise. Parents Should Be Allowed to Choose The Gender of Their Child. All Rights Reserved. What does Dave have to say. Similarly playing with other children is just as important for improving children’s social skills as contact with their parents. A young mother has to stay home for awhile to take care of her baby but it should be at her discretion if she wants to later seek employment. I say this James Damien is correct. the main task of every woman is to become a mother and take care of their children. Some mums have to work, while other mothers choose to work to fulfil a need of their own – both reasons are understandable. Those on low pay are forced to rely on these options to take care of their children even when they are of low quality or they would prefer to stay at home. User content, unless source quoted, licensed under a. Even when state aid to stay at home is offered to either parent, traditional cultures can enforce this role on the mother, reducing any chances that a job may provide to increase the personal freedom of women from restrictive cultures. We will focus here to see if office goers mothers are better than homemaker mothers. Parents need to be present to there children for homework after school activities sick days. Within this sphere they are respected as of paramount. we should all make a difference not for oursleves but for others.planet earth is calling for your help. We would love to hear what you think – please leave a comment! Things are mostly case specific. Favourite answer. Contrary to this concept, several studies and researches have proved that working women and mothers are less stressed out and anxious than non-working ladies. Children are often looked after by a nanny, mothers are working over-time at work, and family life is neglected. And job will not intefere to "family life"- to grow a normal good baby. You should provid your baby with yourself), Their is no reason for a young mother to carry out work, if she wants to do just do work that can be done at home. 11 Answers. Should mothers stay at home to raise their children? She is educated and can make better choices for her child. Focusing on the mother neglects the responsibilities of the father, other family members and the state in raising the child. Do you think mothers should work. Many mothers cant afford to stay home that is the problem in this country “ The Two income trap”. why young mother shouldn't work?! 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