characteristic of research tools are reliability , validity ,usability ,economic,accuracy taking lesstime. We believe that the qualities required to be good researcher can be … Quantitative research. • For example, a researcher observed domestic violence suffered by wives of alcoholic husbands. Quantitative research is the process of gathering observable data to answer a research question using statistical, computational, or mathematical techniques.It is often seen as more accurate or valuable than qualitative research, which focuses on gathering non-numerical data. open-ended or controversial5. It reduces and restructures a complex problem to a limited number of variables. a. action research b. basic research c. quantitative research d. mixed method research e. mixed model research Answer (1 of 4): There are many aspects and characteristics of a good research problem. Quantitative research is a process for gathering and statistically analyzing information that is measured by an instrument. Characteristics of research are as follows: 1. The standard format of how the quantitative research is going on is easy. The first and one of the most important characteristics of a research problem is that you need to be able to understand and make sure the reader is aware you understand the problem fully. You can use quantitative research methods for descriptive, correlational or experimental research. The Key Components of Quantitative Research Introduction Qualitative research methods can be an important part of a social scientist's research repertoire. In the context of selection of a research problem it is essential to understand what is a problem and its components. A quantitative research question is usually followed by a hypothesis — this is a prediction of what we think our study will find; a statement that answers the initial speculative research question. 4. In qualitative research generalizability is more concerned to a smaller group to which the results are applicable. Being ‘good’ according to the Oxford English Dictionary can be aligned with a multitude of properties of which “high quality”, “competent” and “skilful” are amongst those listed to name a few. Depending on the nature of the study, a researcher can use any of the following four main types of quantitative research, namely: Descriptive Research, Correlational Research, Causal-Comparative Research or Quasi-Experimental Research, and Experimental Research. An investigation in 2015 titled “A Quantitative Research on the Level of Social Media Addiction among Young People in Turkey” looks into the statistics of this problem. University of Southern California (2015). If the foundation is shaky the entire project is doomed to failure. When you formulate a research problem, you should take into account some key factors which will help you to ensure that your research study would be measurable and that you will remain motivated. This is why absolute caution is… A research problem is a statement about an area of concern, a condition to be improved, a difficulty to be eliminated, or a troubling question that exists in scholarly literature, in theory, or in practice that points to the need for meaningful understanding and deliberate investigation. Quantitative research questions are generally used to set the scene for an entire study or industry report. Breaking the research process into steps eases the difficulty. Empirical research is another name for this research method based on something that the researcher can measure precisely and accurately. the statement problem should be ethical. ; In correlational research, you investigate relationships between your study variables. Identifying a research problem is important because it lays the foundation for an entire project. WHAT IS A RESEARCH PROBLEM? Quantitative research problem dealt more with A. precision and general explanation of phenomena B. description and explanation of situations C. trends and patterns of the chosen group D. precision and specificity of the problem 12. A good research problem should have the following characteristics: ... We will employ both qualitative and quantitative approaches to gather both primary and secondary data and information with the objective of determining success factors for the growth of small business in Kenya. Characteristics of quantitative research A) Strengths . Research is a process through which an individual or the researcher helps to search the definite or useful information from the number of respondents to evaluate or solve the problem-related questions. It needs to be well grounded in current theoretical and empirical knowledge (know the literature) 2. 1. Research comprises of defining and redefining the problems , formulating hypothesis and carefully testing the conclusions to determine whether they fit the formulated hypothesis. needs full group cooperation4. ... (120). 6 A good quantitative research problem identifies the Answer All of the above 7. Empirical nature of research means that the research has been conducted following rigorous scientific methods and procedures. Sources of research problem 5. It is necessary to avoid abstract topics and those, which are too broad. Empirical. In fact, research is an art of scientific investigation or technique. Once the appropriate research problem for the assignment is identified, the remainder of the research and writing process feels easier to … Here we see the difference between qualitative vs. quantitative research, where qualitative concentrates on emotional insight and feelings. Characteristics of good problem in research 1. engage interest2. 1.Person experience • Day-to-day personal experience of a researcher may serve as good source of ideas to formulate a research problem. For quantitative business research it is imperative that the research questions used allow your respondents to answer succinctly. School University of Phoenix; Course Title ECO 372; Type. require decision, judgment3. The research problem is the issue or concern in a particular setting that motivates and guides the need for conducting a study. Of Population Sciences University of Dhaka 2. Quantitative research methods. Its main characteristics are: Which of the following research questions is an example of correlational research… RESEARCH PROBLEM: CRITERIA AND CHARACTERISTICS Md. Test-retest method – In this method, the same instrument is administered twice to the same … In quantitative research, you usually work with at least two variables. First, a good title predicts the content of the research paper. Quantitative research deals in numbers, logic, and an objective stance. Characteristics of Quantitative Research. In quantitative research it is easier to achieve that. For your quantitative research, use this study as a guide in organizing and formatting your quantitative data. Complex reasoning. In descriptive research, you simply seek an overall summary of your study variables. The challenge while looking for a research question is not a shortage of uncertainties; it is the problem of finding a crucial one that can be turned into a feasible and valid study plan. An essential characteristic of the qualitative research method is that it is beneficial for complex reasoning. 16 tips for running good in-depth interviews. The characteristics of quantitative research methods listed in this article makes this research approach popular among researchers. Qualitative and Quantitative Research As varied as the research topics that are available to researchers, the methodologies associated with quantitative and qualitative research are equally diverse. As we will see, Title 4 has all the characteristics of a good research title. Science and Technology, Medical and Health Allied Services, Business, and Education. When skillfully practiced, qualitative methods can provide a means to develop a context-rich description and understanding of phenomena. 4. Good Research Paper Tips. 4. You could say that there are two types of research — when the researcher is present and is able to steer the conversation (e.g. According to rhetoric scholars Hairston and Keene, making a good title for a paper involves ensuring that the title of the research accomplishes four goals. Quantitative projects are concentrated in big groups, and they concentrate only on the number of concrete responses. It is a good idea to frame the research question so that it will reflect the “who”, “what”, and “how” of the issue under analysis. Research methods like a case study and Content analysis are also used to compare the results of quantitative research. Discuss the Characteristics of a Good Research Hypothesis. What are the characteristics of a good research question ? It is in accordance to the moral value or religious beliefs. The use of qualitative research methods, however, are appropriate on issues or problems that need not require quantification or exploratory in nature. Once a problem has been identified, the researcher must then decide on the type of data to collect and the methodologies to collect it. It is used to quantify attitudes, opinions, behaviors, and other defined variables, and generalize results from a larger sample population. The methods of identifying research problem options can be intimidating for students. Importance of Quantitative Research in Different Fields. Research in which the researcher uses both qualitative and quantitative research within a stage or across two of the stages in the research process is known as _____. Characteristics of a Good Research Title. Another criterion of good research problem is also explained by Tuctman (1988: 25). Zakiul Alam Roll: ZH013 BSS (Hons)4th Semester Dept. Quantitative research focuses on numeric and unchanging data and detailed, convergent reasoning rather than divergent reasoning [i.e., the generation of a variety of ideas about a research problem in a spontaneous, free-flowing manner]. What is Research?? With that in mind there are three common types of quantitative research questions: Quantitative research is widely used in psychology, economics, demography, marketing, political science, and educational studies. Quantitative (‘quant’) research is used to quantify the problem by way of generating numerical data that can be transformed into useable statistics. A research hypothesis is a methodological characteristic of some research, a scientific hypothesis advanced to explain any phenomenon that requires some verification by experience to be a reliable scientific knowledge. 1. Another characteristic is the physical research. 6 a good quantitative research problem identifies the. Reference. In order to write a research paper you have to be exact and specific. A very important element for quantitative study is control, because it allows the researcher to identify the causes of their observations in an attempt to better understand the problem at different levels.

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