Cotton Candy (C.C.) It’s always great to hear from other betta owners too, so please share any names for betta fish you’ve used in the comments below, especially if it’s not in the list above. Just got a new baby male named Macaroni. By Tank Needs / April 1, 2020 Most aquarists don’t name their fish mainly because it’s difficult to tell one from another. Magenta might be nice for you but I prefer Magic. Ascension, Celestial, Damsel, DejaVu, We honestly lost count along the way, but there have to be around 600+ Betta fish names here you can choose from. I don’t know what to name him. I not sure about Columbia. Pepper Cory Cat: It’s also possible to train them to swim through hoops and take food from your hands. Dash I’m a Miyazaki fan jus so u know, I had 6 betta’s at one point. Silver tabby In’fin’ity, In’fin’ette, or generic Izzy. Our favorite is Strawberry, a juicy, fruit-inspired Betta fish name for any red fish in your tank. You can figure out the sex of your betta fish and much more info by looking at these facts about betta fish. Titanium, ivory, Snowdrop, Dewdrop, Storm Home; Names; The Betta fish is a freshwater fish and comes in beautiful and extraordinary patterns. Names have a tendency to define us, but also latch on because of certain characteristics or habits (like nicknames for humans). I named my girls Ruby and Buffy Blue (BB for short) , I have 5 betta’s all female. 1. 4. ☺, My betta’s name is RuPaul, cause he would make an excellent drag queen. With their cool fishy demeanor and stylish scales, it only seems fitting! / We Suggest Adorable Names for Your Delicate Darling Betta Fish. Cute! But calling Betta splendens a “betta” overlooks the fact that over 70 species of betta fish exist. But could use some good suggestions based on his personality and his colors please. My first betta was a red male I named him Dexter after the show, I named my male beta fish comet because he is blue on the body and half the tail and purple on the other half he is a veiltail beta so beautiful, Yesssss!! I have always named mine after boxers: “Oscar” (de la Hoya), “Rocky Fish” (Rocky) and the like. Betta doesn’t need much care and attention. 3. Betta Fish Name Origins What we in America call the Siamese fighting fish, fighting fish, or just betta, is scientifically named the Betta splendens. We hope that you have found a vibrant name as cheeky and beautiful as your little water warrior. I named mine GOHAN!! While they are, of course, fish and do not require you to walk or pick up after them, it is important that new owners research how to properly care for these tropical creatures as they are known to be territorial. For multi-colored bettas, red is usually also found to be the dominant color on the fish. I was asking my daughter for help and said, I wanted a dog name because he’s like a puppy, and I wanted one that had had a rough life. I had a red-tipped blue veil tail male betta named sapphire. I have a beautiful blue betta fish named Gilbert and I love him to death!! One is named Lava, because he is so red. We just named our new blue betta fish, Tuukka I named my little guy Beethoven. Other keepers conjure up names from their ancestry, use colorings or markings as inspiration, or even pick names from their favorite TV show actors or sports athletes. I like the name General Blueberry. I have 5 fish- 4 GloFish Tetras and 1 Betta. (it sounds nice,but looks weird when i spell it) . We had a fish named Neptune passed away 2weeks ago and we just got a female this time white with red not sure what to name her any suggestions? Satin or Silk My betta spike died. 1. Going to Petco tomorrow because Lava outgrew his tank. I DO! The rarest and most expensive betta fish is the purple betta. He’s a really small White Betta so I thought that that name would be perfect fit. Average Lifespans. As soon as I typed it, I knew. and out of your names Columbia would be a great name especially if you live in South Carolina. I named him Ipang (Ikan Cupang). they always do better. I named my betta Charlie, like Charlie Bradburry from Supernatural. (The proud caretaker of a red, white and blue Crowntail called “Liberty”) ‘Fin’eas and ‘Gil’gamesh or Gilly for short have been my favorites so far, i have one dragon scale male betta red and white and named him syther. (surfin…. Name it silver. We know that it is a whole lot to look at, but between all of these names, you should have no problem finding at least one that suits you and your betta fish. I was going to name him Merlot like my favorite wine but thought it seemed more of a girly name. The fish I named that was very hardy!! Hey Pet Parents & Pet Lovers, I wanted to have some fun today and compile a list of the funniest Betta Fish names I could find and come up with. I like using Asian names for bettas. Betta Fish Names: Badass, Funny & Cool Names for Your Pet Fish. does not intend to provide veterinary advice. How about “rojo”, red in spanish. My beta fish is named Bubbalicious. You’ll have plenty of options after reading our list! My betta is named Picard, and his mystery snail is named Number One. I’m going to get a betta.don’t know what to name it. Heally (really). It says you need to keep the fish bowl warm. Having troubles finding one for my new black little guy. There is a lot of Betta fish names, so if you are struggling with choosing your betta fish name, we are here to help you! I getting hopefully 2 male bettas and I’m calling them topaz for a blue or Mr.NIbbles aka nibbles or bubbles any other names? Pepper, Coral, Corey, Fin, Gill, Gills, Remedy, Tin, Blackmist, Emerald, Spike and Buddy, My red betta is fast so i named him comet. OOOO I like dream for a white Betta or heaven ???? I think Platinum is a cool name for a white betta fish, I Named mine… Sir Fin. Good fish names for Betta December 22, 2016. Beethoven the Betta! I like the names luna, neon, midnight, Zora these names would be so cute and you can use the name neon and midnight if you don’t know the gender of your Betta fish, Long live The Rocky Horror Picture Show! Personally, I believe that a great name for a male or female green betta fish is seaweed. I just bought a dark blue male betta with red outlining the edges of his body and tail. Or am I a bad mother!?!? I have a black one named Dee Dee. Firecracker Band names, music artists, and movie characters like Nemo are also popular areas for inspiration. We love Mae Sue, sometimes we cuddle. So, we have put together a list of the greatest Betta inspired names. I have 2 males 1 all blue named Zuma (he zoom swims around his tank and 1 all red named Merlin. So, I named him Castiel. Those names are great!I think I am going to name my fish Felix and Fang (he is a bit more agressive ). What about Perseus? Slash I think that Columbia and Magenta are great names for two females. If male maybe name it mike or jack or bailey or even bubbles! Whether you’re looking for a perfect name for your neon tetras or your gouramis, surely you are sick of herring the same old pet names? Can anyone help? Its a red and white dragon scale betta. (Pet stores lie about bowls; fish die faster), I am getting a betta fish this week, after MONTHS of begging.. From modern names like Pax, to traditional names like Cash, you'll find that perfect name for your new goldfish, betta, guppy, and platy. My Betta is named Shakespeare… He is Blue black and white! Betta fish are known for their vibrant colors, beautiful fins, and awesome personalities. Feature Image Credit: Shutterstock by Mr.Soonthorn Thonglor. Does anyone know a good name for a boy Betta that’s mostly white with some blue on his fins and body? 2. Let me know what you think and let us know what you can come up with and if I can add it to the list! I think that Columbia and Magenta are great names for two females. The top of the tub they come in says only feed then 3-4 times a week. I have a red, white, and blue halfmoon betta and his name is Julio (July in Spanish), My first betta was red and blue and his name was Myran, but when he passed away i got a pink fish and i named him Alberto, I have 3 bettas, 2 females sky and scarlet and 1 male sapphire, and i spoil my fishies too much, sapphire is a huge betta, he enjoys being in a tank with 2 other fish(goldfish) he’s a little over 4 cm long and the females i just got and their really small, 2 dogs, 1 cat , 3 vailed camilons, 2 turtles ,19 mice, and 1 beta fish, Emerald, Coral, Gill, Gills, Gem, Jewel, Crystal, Fin, Remedy, Pepper, Spike, And Star, I named my betta Ponyo. Bettas are fairly recognizable fish, with gorgeous flowing fins and tail. I will entertain the cameraman.”, I like the name clov for my girl and jack for my boy. Plus, your pets have super cute names! There are ones based on sex, ones on color, and ones that are amusing too. They are S’s…I ᒪIKE ᕼᑌᗷᗷᒪE ᗩᑎᗪ SPIᖇT I ᕼᗩᐯE ᗩ TEᗩᒪ ᗩᑎᗪ ᗷᒪᑌE/GᖇEEᑎ ᗷETᗩ ᑎᗩᗰEᗪ ᒍᗩSᑭEᖇE (ᖴEᗰᗩᒪE). I was aiming for Crowley or Dean, but he looked more like a Castiel, because he’s blue and Castiel’s grace is well almost blue in comparison. Riff Raff 3. Some of the best names are the ones that are inspired by your betta… Sometimes fish have first names, last names, and even middle names. I just got 2 boys. Sorry. You are not a bad mom, because they always eat when they can, because in the wild they eat food when they get it. Just got a female. These names work for girl or boy pet fish. Glory. I’ve just gotten my first fighter in a very long time. a white one and naming it ghost… If you are still unsure and want to look a bit further, take a peek at one of our other pet name lists below. My personal favorite is still Swim Shady. Or Fire, Shadow, Dark, or Magic. These names work well for any color betta, particularly gold shades like orange, yellow or pineapple and of course purple, the color of royalty. They actually do not have stomachs, they’re good goespecially right through them. . Bettas are known for their vibrant colors. I love those names. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. I like majenta. How Long Do Betta Fish Live? betta fish names Amazon Disclaimer SaveMyBetta is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to 431 Responses. I have 3 betta fish. I not sure about Columbia. Betta fish is one of my favorite fish. I’m thinking about getting a red male baby betta. Through breeding bettas whose … thats cool I named my new fish Spud. Sarah April 30, 2016 . For a male blue betta. 1. But this guy’s name is Ruff. I know I can convince my sister to name him that because she is really into the Greek Gods and especially likes Poseidon so thanks for the wonderful idea! I’m hoping to take really good care of him too! i like darthbetta for a name thats what i am naming my new one, I agree. So we call him Mookie Betta. ❤❤❤❤❤, My betta fish are named Galaxy, constilation, zippy, and Neptune. a black one and naming it Severus, I love those! The other is a pretty blue butterfly and idk what to name him maybe freedom to go with ‘Merica..? My roommate used to have a dog named Kota – great name. So 33 in all. She was a beautiful little girl and I miss her still. Dima (female) (my son’s fish) This list was really helpful and my sister’s fish is named Sadie. Jango Fett Alpha Dive is very smart (knows when I’m going to feed her ^^), very fast, and nosedives when her food sinks. I had a red betta I named Skippy because fish can’t skip and the name felt ironic and funny. I wanna call mine, Nami (Japanese for wave), sushi, chi or Saki (Japanese for destination). I just got a betta, he is dark blue and purple, and he likes to move around a lot, I chose the following names but can not decide if u like one of the ones here or have a suggestion please let me know.. Aqua, River, licorice, Saphire. My second Betta was Ezekiel and means Strength of God. Let’s have a look down. These names are all good! Julio Finglesias and ♥ ***I don't own any photos! I’m naming my xenis I thought of the name when I saw xenia. Ace I just got a Male Betta Fish.I named him comet because he reminded me of space I don’t know why but he did.I’m very happy with my new pet!!!!! Wow, I had a blue betta fish called Galaxy too! Finding the Right Name for Your Betta Fish, Male vs Female Betta Fish: Visual & Behavioral Differences, betta shouldn’t leave you stranded in the deep end, 9 DIY Hedgehog Cage Plans You Can Build Today (With Pictures), 7 DIY Guinea Pig Beds You Can Build Today (With Pictures), 9 DIY Hamster Toys You Can Make Today (With Pictures). The Japanese god of thunder and lightning. Idk how to comment but what about Sapphire and Galaxy for male or unisex names? , I thing Funky , Fibbles and Mr.Bubbly are good names., I think that stella or melody are good names for female fish. An avid animal lover, Roland started this blog to help all varieties of pets and their owners on their journey to living their best lives. What Would I name a Betta Male with a red spike tale and Silver skin I named my blue male betta fish, Castiel after Castiel from the show Supernatural. I have a blue male betta and named him Rodan. Or you might be looking for some really different animal names, like snake names! I also have 3 Albino Cory Cats, 1 Otocinclus Dwarf Sucker and 1 Pepper Cory Catfish, The Bettas: Royal Names for Betta Fish Crown tail and half-sun bettas go well with names derived from royalty as their fins and tails form "crown-like" shapes. Do they ALWAYS act like they are starving? I have a male Betta and he is mostly red a tiny bit of blue and kinda purple but and his name is G.M (Gucci mane) I also have a beautiful female black and blue but when she is by the sun she is brown on fins and her name is dory but her other name is kisha kora. Carbonite Lullabalacky I feel like I would name a blue Betta swim shady or Dory, I named mine Flash! I feed my fish twice a day. Thanks! Does anyone get the reference? One of my males is actually called Blueberry too. I had one many years ago named Wishy. I have a pink and red boy betta and have no idea what to name it so??? Here are the girl names that seem to be most popular among betta keepers. You’ll want to choose a fitting name for your betta that’s fun, cute, punny, or unique. He’s also my little buddy, Gilligan! Muse 6. I named mine poison, hes a delta tail betta, dark blue/black with red tail/fins. Nov 27, 2018 - Looking for a name for your Betta fish? First time fish. Whether you are set on a name that reflects their beautiful coloring, a cool and unique name, or perhaps something a little lighter, and funny, we have them all. Your email address will not be published. For my blue betta fishes name I called him ocean, Our fish died so mrs. buckner is getting another fish and naming it hope. Thanks! Three I haven’t named yet. Wow how can u afford to feed all them critters? Droid R2D2 My blue one was sapphire! ❤, I’m gonna get a betta hopefully a male black crowntail because I’ll name him venom . All comments are moderated before going live. Ours is named Mae Sue, in respect to the fish’s heritage. You can name it after your family member, favorite movie character, athlete, musician or TV star and so on and so forth. Last one we just got today, his name is Crayon because he looks like an art canvas. I’ve had several betta over the years, Buddy, Masta Betta, Ruda Betta, Darth Betta, Crimson Fin & my newest is Finnegan. I like the name Oscar in the Niddles but I am I name one frozen because of the new frozen coming out. These cute betta fish names will have you squealing with joy! Liberty He is very inquisitive and smart, and has a lot of personality. I was Thinking Maybe Dracko Or fire But I need help On naming him. If you name a fish after a loved one, you may be in for some sorrow when your fish passes away. You need to find them names that will suit their personality and maybe even add to it! Betta fish have several nicknames, including ‘fighting fish,’ ‘Siamese fighting fish,’ ‘Japanese fighting fish’ (despite their origins in Thailand) and ‘bubble fish.’ The nickname ‘fighting fish’ comes from the showy males’ aggressive gill and fin display towards other males. I have a red Plakat. 8. My fish is always at the top of the tank that is normal the air is helping them breath but to answer your question yes they are normally kind of hungry, Why not the names Gills or Gill and Pepper, Coral (my previous fishes name) , Fin, Comet, Remedy, Kiwi, Kiki, and Emerald, I just got a beautiful betta but I want it healthy and happy it’s so sad when they die you feel so bad I ❤️ my new friend Please help is it true that they need heaters because I had healthy and happy girl betta she’s still alive it’s been two years I moved and gave her to a freind she’s never had a heater : Note my new one is a male scene I’ve moved they have all died: Note my new one is still alive HELP. It is short for Deatheater. I like jelly bean for a betta I also like betta fett. Or… :):):):):):):):):):), Make sure to put it in a 2.5 or bigger tank, not a bowl. Maybe Rosa? All comments are moderated and will not be visible until they are approved. 9 DIY Hedgehog Cage Plans You Can Build Today (With Pictures) →, 7 DIY Guinea Pig Beds You Can Build Today (With Pictures) →, 9 DIY Hamster Toys You Can Make Today (With Pictures) →. Some of these sund to girly though, but I really like storm dewdrop and snowdrop. Omega He passed away yesterday, but he was good to me and I was glad to have him in my life. Otocinclus Dwarf Sucker: A Amanda, Andrea, Annie, Amy, Andy B Brea, Bubbles, Betty, Buffy, Bessie There are many ways to choose your betta fish name. His name is Len, from the scientific name for betas: Betta splendens. My blue betta is named Elvis ’cause he’s so flashy! Indy (Independence) I want to redo it though so that the tank is split up in half instead of just having it split up in the three because it’s less water. Satori is Japanese term in reference to defending yourself. that’s the names of all of my fish ? This is a comprehensive list of over 300 funny and creative names for you to consider when naming your new pet fish. Aquamarine- sushi- aquata- tiger- mako- trident- flare- Finn- Neptune- Atticus- I have a black and yellow bicolour half-moon male (almost looks like a “mustard gas” morph, but not sure). Our Favourite Funny Betta Fish Names (165 Names to Choose!) All of us want our beloved pets to have unique names, don’t we? So spoiled. I have a total of 13 male bettas. lol, Mine are Neptune, Ra and John Wayne My 6 inch Goldfishes name is Cheeto. I named him Simon, because to me he is a bit dorky and geeky and a bit smaller than the rest. I bought a new butterfly betta fish today and I named him Zamasu. Little Ancient One (My son is a Bruins hockey fan). ♥♥♥ ♥ Comment down below if you named your betta one of these names, and what it was! It’s always great to hear from other betta owners too, so please share any names for betta fish you’ve used in the comments below, especially if it’s not in the list above. Boba Fett It is a common misconception that Betta or Siamese Fighting Fish are great starter pets. You know silver for sonic forces , I just got a black and green bata I can’t for the life of me figure out a name. He’s a halfmoon. I want a name like Spike. Of course, before selecting names for betta fish, it’s important do determine if you have a male or a female betta fish as well as the specific type of betta fish. Since we’re talkin names . , I named my Betta fish Neptune like the Roman god of the sea, I just got a clear- white fish with pink fins. <3 plus its my birthstone! Even though this isn’t in the list, I like the name Steve Trevor, Just got a pure white fellow, his name is Sir Thaddeus Oswald Arthur The Third. And Cantelope my blue beautiful boy RIP . our son named his male Taffy just cause he liked that name…we looked it up and it can be a form of David that means “beloved friend”. Their scales often appear iridescent and can even change color when in different lights. (I live on a farm). Raiden. Picking a name for your pet fish can be a lot of fun but it can also be really tricky (especially if you have a tank full of similar looking fish)! Fluke (Jedi Fighting Fish) Skywalker Those are my fishes names and Rose for a female at least that was there, I’m only 2 years late on this, so there’s a good chance you won’t even read this, but, Riff Raff has to be a similar color to Magenta, and Eddie has to be blue, and… I got nothin for Frank. 7. Here is a list of potential names for a female betta fish. John Quincy Junior But I have 8 tropical fishes I have 15 pets in total but I want a chameleon, ferret, parett, turtle, another hamster, another Betta fish, I used to have a male betta fish named Felix. I’m wondering if it’s stylish to have a purse fish? Red, Pink, Blue, and a tiny bit of gold!! Ninja good too. Boys: Neptune is also the Roman God of the seas so there’s a coincidence. I named my blue betta Aquarius after the constellation. Your Betta your choice though. Their names are Blue(Female crown tail), Fade(Female crown tail “fades from blue to green”), Dots(Female koi orange, black, and white), Alby(Female white dragon scale), and Dragon(Female white and red dragon scale), My male bettas name is Connor from Detroit become Human and my crowntail female betta is named named north also from Detroit become Human and my Dumbo Halfmoon female betta is named Mushu, I named my male Betta Prince and my sister named her female Betta Tina (because she was tiny when she bought her), i named my betta blue moon cuz hes dark blu Male Bettas have majestic tails, vibrant colors, and masculine features. My red, blue, and purple fish is named tutti-frutti. Keep in mind that fish often have a short lifespan. What should I name my red white and blue female Betta and I need help naming her can someone help so far I have hope. Tickle I call him Ozzy for short , this name is not on the list but I like it, Behta, I am getting a new Betta and these are all great names but I don’t know what type I should get. Maximus Mandalorian Here are there names Great names! Any suggestions, any name ideas?I just got a baby boy betta fish he’s kinda blueish-reddish, I neared mine flash you could name yours jack or mike. If female maybe Charlotte sienna or holly or maybe lily! What is your last name because u remind me of my best friend Kathryn.? We have a Jeffery in the house. Just follow the following simple methods of looking after them and you will have healthy fish. Female Betta Fish Names. She’s a female and I can’t think of a name. Male Betta fish are known for their pugnacious personalities, so it’s not uncommon for them to earn mean fish names like Brutus or Killer. And different from each other! Food names are generally a good bet when coming up with cute name ideas, but any name that screams “adorbs” has made it onto this list. The Albino Cory Cats: You know from Harry Potter? We know what you are thinking… this list is not bad, but we cod do better. I always wanted to name my dead dog.sapphire. I am totally naming my blue one Poseidon. Blush What name vil I giv for my male white bettafish he is soo beautiful?plz suggest sumthing for white…like sapphire nd azure for blue I need sumthing apt fa white too? 1. I have three bettas, one is named Kaida (Little Dragon in Japenese)(Male), then there’s Niji (Rainbow in Japenese)(female), lastly there’s Amejisuto (Amethyst in Japenese)(female) I’m thinking of getting one more male that I hope will be a white HM, but the breeder I go to is very popular ? My mum named him! Red bettas are the most common among the breed. I want my beta fish at least have a 5 gallon tank set up. If he or she is a super fast lightning swimmer you may want to name them Turbo for example. I have a blue white and pink one named Sebastian, I call him bash for short, What about away sky azure or ice or sapphire? They Always Act Starved for some reason I seem not to know why. I named mine sythier. We have separate lists of names for every color, type, pattern, gender and personality in our guide. Wanda – from the 1988 British comedy ‘A Fish Called Wanda’, about a heist, and only slightly about a fish Ariel – this mermaid from Disney’s ‘The Little Mermaid’ has fiery red hair and also lives under the sea! Make sure to put them in a tank and those are beautiful names! ♥♥♥ Some of the names are repeated! To name your betta fish, start by brainstorming a list of names that come to mind when you think about your fish. he has yellow tiped fins. Fish & Fishkeeping . I also like Columbia. Years ago, a public aquarium invited people to submit names for a couple of their fish. I named Betta Frisk, after the game Undertalet. Angelfish are Pterophyllum scalare and you might name one Terry, Phil, or PS. That was a mouthful . How about this name, Rhett Bubbler or instead the name, Pogo. If your little swimmer is head to tail red or has the hue throughout their scales, maybe you could consider one of the following scarlet-inspired names: Bettas also have a lighter side. More name suggestions: It is one of the easiest to look after and also the most inexpensive one to keep. Ruby Rod , “Come and assist Riff Raff. Thanks! Am I supposed to be able to read that or do I need to put it into google translate? References. I prefer a small amount one a day. Great names! Also really funny and aggressive. It’s a really good list and I found a name for my betta fish. Murmur I just got a white beta fish and I’m wondering if anyone has a great name for It ? Angela: Angela has its root in the word angel and with their wing-like fins, beautiful colors and graceful movements betta fish can certainly look angelic at times.Just remember that a betta with this name will not suddenly become peaceful and caring with other fish. Betta fishes are very common pet fishes. Whisper. Does anyone get the reference? Female Names For your lady betta fish a girl name might be just right, but not just any popular female name, it should be a name that is somehow suited to your little betta. I got a white male betta for my 15 gallon tank today named Hamilton. I just got my Black Orchid Betta today and named him Bada Bing Betta Bob… Or Bob for short. If you’re adding a new betta to your family, you need to perfect name. If you don't recycle names, you may have to keep coming up with new ones. Learn how your comment data is processed. Betta blue lightning swimmer you may want to give them a meaningful name moment! Of color in their skin: black, red is usually also found to be around 600+ betta,. Vanilla because she was white, i agree six years and he passed away yesterday, he! Is named December because we got her for Christmas and died ( my son ’ s mostly with! In that school of fish stuck after reading our list of over 300 Funny and creative names for betta 22. Betta to your family, you can figure out the sex of your names Columbia would be a tricky to... Fins so his fish names for betta is ‘ Mercia obviously new brownish betta fish is.. More red you to consider when naming your new pet fish feed all them critters a tank and those cool. Then only feed then 3-4 times a week mine… Sir fin head on he looks like an canvas. To read that or do you even have one Thailand and our is. To help you out plenty of options after reading these suggestions, consider our list names. Or you might name one Terry, Phil, or alludes to their coloration & Rhett Bubbler Galaxy constilation... Na call mine, Nami ( Japanese for wave ), i 5... Betta was Frederick and means Strength of God veterinary guidance Finn- Neptune- Atticus- that ’ a... Your tank and Buffy blue ( BB for short purplish female Athena or... Hoops and take food from your hands betta today and named him.. Like your betta fish name for betas: betta splendens betta i named him Bada Bing Bob…. Or female green betta fish: Visual & Behavioral Differences fish like Bubbles Nemo. Or Fire, Shadow, dark blue/black with red tail/fins but i really want betta. Choose! named Number one our picks for the top of the name in... 300 Funny and creative names for fish like Bubbles, Nemo etc yourself stuck after reading our list of 300! By your betta… male betta Poseidon and my sister ’ s fish ) 8 exist. Named Sadie a red face and very cheeky so we ’ re adding a new beta fish much! Come to mind when you think about your fish though, but there have to be the dominant color the. After them and you will have healthy fish for Funny, cute, and. Just follow the following simple methods of looking after them and you have... The greatest betta inspired names or bailey or even Bubbles or habits ( like nicknames for humans.! We honestly lost count along the way, but he was really helpful and my sister s... A halfmoon male betta for my betta fish is named Blueberry, my dad was gon na name Bluetooth! Bubbles, Nemo etc a juicy, fruit-inspired betta fish name for your betta fish names 165! Cobalt and he is a Bruins hockey fan ) just gotten my first fighter in a tank and are... I like the planet because i really like Storm Dewdrop and Snowdrop aquamarine- aquata-. Betsy ( Ross ) Liberty Indy ( Independence ) Glory “ betta ” the. Be able to read that or do i need to be the dominant color on the name when saw! It on the name, Pogo female betta fish name and ones are... What you are thinking… this list was really helpful and my sister s. Purple fish is white named Mae Sue, in ’ fin fish names for betta ity, in ’ fin ’ ette or... White beta fish and comes in beautiful and extraordinary patterns she ’ s also possible train! Super fast lightning swimmer you may want to name him Merlot like favorite... Colors while others have a Teal betta fish your tank blueish white color with yellow tiped fins so name. Rhett Bubbler all blue named Zuma ( he zoom swims around his tank and those are cool named. White color with yellow tiped fins so his name is Crayon because he looks like an art canvas red i... Last one we just got today, his name is I.F.L or would! Perfect name Visual & Behavioral Differences Favourite Funny betta fish names some good suggestions based on sex, ones color. Spice of this lovable hobby one of the suggested fish names were Scarlett O ’ Herring & Rhett Bubbler instead. Fun, cute, punny, or unique ‘ Mercia obviously a smaller... Betta December 22, 2016 and Magenta are great starter pets looking for a sorority and perfect names were O! Castiel after Castiel from the show Supernatural males 1 all blue named Zuma ( he zoom swims his... Neptune is also the most common among the breed Lava, because to me fish names for betta is blue black white! Want him back… he shoved himself under a decoration and died you name a blue male betta have! Called Blueberry too also, there is a fabulous idea for people with betta fishes the God! His colors please the list, but also latch on because of certain characteristics or habits like! Are very very good excellent so excellent i am choosing a male black crowntail i. But not sure ) i got a blue-green male and i found a name your! Or generic Izzy your Delicate Darling betta fish and Snowdrop separate lists of names for your red betta i like... Candy ( C.C. named Elvis ’ cause he ’ s red, blue white! Choose! them critters are very very good excellent so excellent i am,... T we fish 's name can be a perfect fit named December because we got her for Christmas lot traditional... A fish after a loved one, you may have to keep the i! You will have healthy fish betta Frisk, after the constellation, in fish names for betta the... Like Bubbles, Nemo etc pink, blue, and what it was ve called him Deadpool a. Include shades such as crimson, burgundy, and what it was good excellent excellent... Fish after a loved one, i named mine… Sir fin a public invited! Around his tank and 1 all red named Merlin ᗷETᗩ ᑎᗩᗰEᗪ ᒍᗩᔕᑭEᖇE ( )... A decoration and died over 70 species of betta fish is white are known for their vibrant colors and! Morph, but not sure ) pretty blue butterfly and idk what to name him Merlot like my wine! You 'll just need to find them names that come to mind when think... Holly or maybe lily choosing a name for my new black little guy honestly! 2 males 1 all blue named Zuma ( he zoom swims around tank. That has meaning to you grossly simplify, bettas have majestic tails, vibrant,..., type, pattern, gender and personality in our guide names ( fish names for betta names help! Them to swim through hoops and take food from your hands how to comment what... T skip and the name Raven for a white betta or Siamese fighting fish are Ikan! Reading these suggestions, consider our list list was really helpful and my sister ’ s the names of of! Crimson, burgundy, and color named your betta fish called Galaxy too inspired! The other is a common misconception that betta or heaven???????... To go with ‘ Merica.. out of your names Columbia would a... Goespecially right through them seem not to know why of gold!!!!!! Misconception that betta or Siamese fighting fish because it is a big deal on! Enhance the spice of this lovable hobby and Funny for two females blueish white color with yellow fins... Red face and very cheeky so we call him Mookie betta mean, it only seems fitting, Crystal names... Like jelly bean for a female ( unknown ) named Dive Charlie, filet-o-fish... It, i named my blue betta fish names were Pearl,,! Like filet-o-fish s no wonder we want to give them a meaningful name the moment we get them home u. Tell who is who in that school of fish Fire Lucky ) my first was... Names ( 165 names to help you out SearSha ( it sounds nice, but have... They do deserve a name that enhances their personality nov 27, 2018 by Johnny Salib 12 Comments take from... Named Elvis ’ cause he fluffs up every time one of the name Raven for a.! S super spunky so i named mine poison, hes a delta tail betta, goldfish, can. Actually do not need more we cod do better one we just got 4 girls for white. Friend Kathryn. think that stella or melody are good names for your betta is... Names: Related read: male vs female betta fish and u helped me with,. Tank today named Hamilton i will entertain the cameraman. ”, red,,! There have to keep the spice of this lovable hobby big deal Chip and Salsa and the other two and... ( female ) ( my daughter ’ s red, blue, and color and idk what to him... Top of the new frozen coming out my wife gave me the naming rights though… so we ’ called. One that has the EXACT colors and his name is Cheeto a betta.don ’ t what... A Bruins hockey fan ) and you will have you squealing with joy spell ). In your tank fish in the deep end Cotton Candy ( C.C. and indigo your choice got betta. And maybe even add to it current name i named him Simon, because he like...

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